I started learning how to become a software developer recently, focusing on the frontend specialization. But watching videos on HTML, CSS, or even JavaScript is not enough. I have to get my hands dirty. In a nutshell, the earlier I start writing codes and dealing with the aches of trying to find out where the errors (debugging), the better.
So how then will I get my coding muscles growing every day? Work on a side project. That's right; I shall be working on the frontend of one of my ideas. After discussing with my co-founder, we have decided to build MEALTRIX, a meal subscription platform for Nigerians.
The platform's details are still quite sketchy, so don't bother about complete information on how the platform will work. For now, know that anyone (students and workers) can subscribe to our meal plans where we work with restaurants to help drive more demands and at the same time help the vendors source food raw materials at a cheaper rate.
What should the platform's frontend look like? A landing page featuring top meal subscription plans, partner restaurants, authentication page and? I will keep updating this section. So, I shall start trying out my skills to becoming a software developer from the get-go. I shall keep updating the platform's codes until it is at least good enough for our "extremely" early adopters to interact with.
Learning by practice, especially with a real-life situation, is the best way to learn. I learned this from Chidi Nwaogu, founder of Publiseer, one of my distant mentors (he doesn't even know this). He shared on LinkedIn how he started learning software development together with some of his friends. But while his friends were busy trying to learn everything without testing their knowledge of what they've learnt so far, Chidi swung into action and started building a game. Before long, he deployed a live game while the others he started his software development journey with were still busy learning without practising.
So, what are you learning today? A new language, software development, how to become a great writer? There's no shortcut to it. Start applying your knowledge early. This is the real hack to becoming great at anything at all you set your mind to learn. Practice! Practice!! Practice!!!
Genius demands efforts. Keep grinding!